Mission call

Called to serve the Lord in the Ghana Kumasi Mission

Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 40 Nkawkaw

Well…transfers was crazy!  Everyone got home safely but it was soooo crazy. It’s a go-with-the-flow type thing.  A lot of "game time decisions" had to be made!  Hahahaha!
I got my new companion, Elder Gadah! He's a cool guy.  He's from Ghana and speaks perfect Twi.  So it’s a big help that he speaks, but sometimes us English speakers can get “left out” in some lessons.  Ha!  He's 26 years old and had like a full on career but now he's a missionary!  Overall he is a sweet guy! 

This week we were able to get a baptism!  Comfort Amankwah.  She just got married to one of our members and he asked if we could teach her.  She ended up getting baptized! So that was cool! 

Me, Brother Boating, Sister Amankwah, Comfort, Jonathan, Elders Smith and Morisho

Sorry for the short email.  Time is short today!  I was studying about Captain Moroni this week!  Mormon loves Moroni so much that he said if all men were like Moroni the Devil could have no power over us!  At all!  Also Mormon named his kid Moroni!  What does that tell you about how Mormon feels about Captain Moroni? Pretty sweet guy! Right?

Anyway, sorry for the short email! Love all! 

Elder Turner

Monday, April 23, 2018


Well, week 6 of transfer number 6 is over! 7th transfer out here in the GKM is kinda mind blowing if I'm being honest.  My companion and I got an unexpected call this week from our Mission President. It turns out that Elder Johnson is getting transferred to Kumasi!  We were told we would be staying together just a couple days before... but our will is not God’s. So… yeah…. I'll miss Elder Johnson! 

My new companion is Elder Gaddah from Ghana.  We were in the MTC at the same time! I'm excited to work with him!

Aside from saying goodbye to a lot of the members with Elder Johnson, we were able to have a baptism this week. Sister Verra! She was baptized and confirmed a member of the church! It was really cool!  Sister Comfort will hopefully be  baptized next week.  Her husband had to travel this week and wanted to baptize her himself.

Sister Verra on Her Baptism Day

The Font at Nkawkaw

Our teaching pool is great!  We are having some good people to teach!  I hope to be able to find more with Elder Gaddah. He speaks the Local language, Twi, so that will be an awesome tool! 

These are the Kids of a Family We are Teaching

This week I was studying in the Book of Alma. I read a little treasure that was really nice to find! It comes from Alma Chapter 37 verses 38-45!

44 For behold, it is as easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you a straight course to eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass, which would point unto them a straight course to the promise land.

45 And now I say, is there not a type in this thing? For just as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course, to the promise land, shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of Sorrow into a far better land of promise.

It’s a pretty sweet scripture!  If we heed Christ and come unto him we will be taken from our vale of sorrow to a better land of promise!!!  No Doubt! 
If you want something else to read try 2 Nephi 32:3.

Anyway, I hope all is cool for everyone! If so let me know!

Elder Turner

Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 38 Nkawkaw

WELL! Week 6 (end of this transfer) is coming up! BIG TIME!!!!! TIME IS GOING OOOOOHHHH! 

This week was cool. It started off with an exchange with the elders in a place called Domebra.  Man that place is the BUSH!!  We had to travel for an hour and a half to get there!  My companion and I found a pizza place in a town we passed through.... we immediately dropped out of our tro tro!  50 cedi pizza(about $12)? Worth it! Hahaha!!! 

Anyway, the exchange was cool!  We woke up at 6AM and went to a farm and to harvest some coconuts!  Man, it felt like I was in a sweet episode of survivor!  The exchange was cool, cool though!

My companion and I have been using only the Book of Mormon this past transfer. I actually only carried my Book of Mormon along with the blue covered ones to give away.  The hard work is starting to pay off!  SERIOUS!  Well be having some baptisms this week and maybe a few in the following weeks as well!

All the investigators are doing well. This week Sister Comfort and Vera are being baptized we hope.  They are both part member families so hopefully they go through! 

This whole week I was singing a hymn in my mind, Brightly Beams our Father’s Mercy, #335.  It's a sweet hymn!  At first, I really just liked the tune.  Then, I actually read the hymn. Man its awesome! The third verse gives a great message, at least for me.

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother
Some poor sailor, tempest tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.
Let the Lower light be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.

The worth of souls is great!!! It reminds me of Doctrine and Covenants 18, I think. When it talks about how the worth of souls is great.  If we've saved one soul in our life, we've done our job!  I think it's like 2 scripture mastery scriptures. Read verses 10-16! Anyway, It’s an awesome hymn!

Love you all! Have a good week!

Elder Turner

Also –  Shout Out to Max Brenchley with the mission call to Georgia! Hope you get to play Augusta!

A Couple of Members, Mormon and Ben, just roasting a goat at Mormon's house.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 37 Nkawkaw

Crazy week! The week consisted of a NIIIIICCCEEEE trip to the Kumasi Mall (little piece of heaven) hahah! On Wednesday my companion and I headed on to Kumasi for MLC (Mission Leadership Council). The mall...... THE MALL! MY GOSH! So amazing hahaha!  All I wanted to buy was canned peaches!  That was my mindset! What do you know? Canned peaches baby... plenty of them! Hahahaha!  MLC was cool too.

Elder Paskett, Me and Elder Moak

This week my companion and I didn't get to spend too much time in our area because of the travel, but we ended up getting a lot of stuff done, so that was nice! We had 6 new investigators at church, 4 of them being a little family. We have been teaching them, not to seriously because they speak strictly Twi. But then on Sunday they just decided to show up and loved the church! SWEET!

Our Area

Also Yesterday My companion and I had nothing scheduled from 4-6 for our appointments. So we went to see the 2nd councilor in the Branch Presidency President Boatin. He’s such a cool guy! Right when we got in there he asked us "do you have a message for me?" "Ah well, SURE" ahah! So My companion and I had a simple message about Christ. Very simple, yet very powerful! We had no idea why we shared those scriptures but his smile afterwards said it just made sense!  I guess a lesson we can learn here is just to follow the spirit. We had no clue why we went there, we were thinking of just saying hi. Then he asked to share a message and that’s what came about.  Afterwards it just felt good! IDK!

Anyway, Lot of fun and cool things this week! I hope everything is cool wherever you guys are!

Elder Turner

Last Week

WHAT THE!?   Can you believe this? I just can't believe that my last week email is here. I could write so much but I just don't kno...